When people talk about detoxing, the first thing that tends to come to mind is juice cleansing and going on fad diets. While these may benefit you in the short term or could potentially cause quite a detrimental opposite, this isn’t the kind of detox I’m referring to.
Think about what our parents used to do every spring, a big clear out of the house, get ready for summer time and everything just seemed to feel well a lot lighter in life. New beginnings of life, the days got longer again, the home had had its big spring clean and everyone was looking forward to sunny days off by the beach or on holiday somewhere enjoying exploring and experiencing a different culture while soaking up some vitamin D.
What can you do to rejuvenate and detox? It doesn’t take getting on a plane somewhere to feel better. Spend the new longer days getting things done you’ve been putting off with the winter blues, dust off the goal list and start anew.
Take this time to evaluate how far you’ve come since last year. Think about–
• What has happened in the past year? How much have you achieved?
• What did you not yet manage to get completed and why? – is there a way you can work towards this in a different way?
• Have your goals changed to fit into your life better? How are you going to work towards these?
• How much effort have you put in to achieving your goals?
• How much effort have you put into ridding your life of those who brought you down?
• Have you thought about what you can do better this year?
With assessing and reflecting on what you’ve achieved so far, no matter how big or small, take these successes in your stride.
Spring clean your home, declutter your life and detox the rubbish you don’t need. Focus on what you want to achieve now, focus on where you want to be without distractions and people or materialism holding you back.
Your ideas and plans may have changed, but, forget what you previously wanted to do if you’re no longer interested. Don’t see unfulfilled to do lists as failures because if you really wanted to get these done you would have, they can’t have been that important to you if they weren’t.
To your detoxed success!
Tahar is a bestselling author of “Fail Your Way to Success” and an internationally renowned speaker on leadership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship and productivity. His privately held real estate investment company conducts sales revenues exceeding $1.5 billion a year.
He has challenged and changed the way people think in pursuit of their scaling their business and pursuing their dreams. His business has made him a valuable resource for media seeking commentary and insights on real topics that matter. He urges everyone he speaks with to make success their duty, responsibility, and obligation.
Tahar resides in Los Angeles California and London United Kingdom. To book Tahar for your business, event or conference please Call (USA) +1 323-522-4879 or (UK) +44 207 692 7031