Sometimes we just need a little reminder for the daily battles we may be facing.
Les Brown once said we were chosen from 1 in 40 million sperm for a reason.
That reason was not to just pay the mortgage and bills but to leave a legacy as to why we have been placed on this earth.
There is no way my tombstone will ever say “Dead but not used up” as I want it to say, millions never gave up on life because of me.
My father worked for the same employer for 32 years, when he left he got a shitty cheap gold watch and a radio alarm clock. His state pension was £44.65 a week for his years of service, he lived to see that pension for 4 years only. When I buried him, I said I am not going to let the measure of my life just be 6ft.
The richest place in the world is the graveyard, there lies everyone’s books they never wrote, songs they never sang, dreams they never pursued.
Manu Goswami said it perfectly, each day you are credited with 86,400 seconds, ask yourself deep down, how are you making them count? We get one life, wake up, eat glitter for breakfast and sparkle all day.
To your success.
Tahar is a bestselling author of “Fail Your Way to Success” and an internationally renowned speaker on leadership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship and productivity. His privately held real estate investment company conducts sales revenues exceeding $1.5 billion a year.
He has challenged and changed the way people think in pursuit of their scaling their business and pursuing their dreams. His business has made him a valuable resource for media seeking commentary and insights on real topics that matter. He urges everyone he speaks with to make success their duty, responsibility, and obligation.
Tahar resides in Los Angeles California and London United Kingdom. To book Tahar for your business, event or conference please Call (USA) +1 323-522-4879 or (UK) +44 207 692 7031